Monday, October 5, 2009

How to Achieve Success principles of success!!!

Success involves creating a desired future first in your mind and secondly in your actions.
Individual success can only be achieved through taking responsibility for your vision, goals, plans, actions, progress and achievements.

Collective success is best achieved when others share your vision, commit to the goals, know the plan, choose actions appropriately, monitor progress regularly, review achievements and celebrate together.

Success requires a combination of visionary, creative, systematic, practical, decisive and reflective thinking.

When you achieve a measure of success you should pause, celebrate, enjoy and then take stock and move on.

Many successful people make their plans using a step-by-step approach to getting things done. The most successful leaders use planning loops, to back up their vision with action. There are a lot of planning loops around. You just have to find one you like. Each other loop was biased towards something like leadership, performance management, training, strategic planning or change management models & tools.

The Success Cycle makes use of the best of the rest and one unique feature missing from all others, the concept of balance. Balance holds the whole cycle together. Every step on the cycle is balanced by an opposite step. Each pair of opposite steps are equally important and must be considered and planned for at the same time. This saying was the inspiration for idea of balance. Vision without action is merely a dream., Action without vision just passes the time., Vision with action can change the world.

Success means achieving your vision and goals that you have set for yourself or, used the Success Cycle for both individual and collective efforts to achieve. There are stages of success, each stage in the Success Cycle is essential to achieving sustainable success. The stages should be followed in sequence.

The first stage is to create a vision. A vision is an aspirational and imagined future that is some way off. It is over the horizon, not yet touchable. You don’t know how you will achieve it but it is highly desirable and worthy of your best efforts.
Goals act as milestones towards your ultimate vision. It define the outcomes and achievements in smaller, more manageable and tangible, chunks than the vision. They are measurable. Goals also require deadlines and resources.

Plans define who will do what by when. They outline the methods you will use to achieve the goals and indicate the resources needed to be successful. Plans may be quite logical and structured.
Action is carrying out the plans, managing priorities and resources to focus your energies on your goals and your specific plans. It is doing what is right and what adds value. It may be about deciding what are not to do.

Monitoring progress requires you to collect and process data about your activities and what you deliver. This in turn requires you to have systems and processes established, and a disciplined approach to using them, also requires action to correct any deviation from plan.. The secret here is to collect only the data that is necessary to monitor progress against your plan and to measure success.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A fraudulent click!!!

A fraudulent click, surely, should be a click which is action purely for the purpose of generating income for the publisher.

It's certainly perfectly valid to click on an ad if you think you might purchase something. And what if the site doesn't sell anything at all? Does that mean that content advertisers get free ads? Yes, it's perfectly permissible to click on an ad out of interest and then choose not to buy. Why on earth would you define a click as fraudulent purely because an advertiser fails to close a sale once the visitor arrives at their site.

How can they have trace any invalid clicks or click fraud?
Google has a sophisticated system to detect the invalid clicks, and result in termination of the cheaters’ account. But, how can Google do that? The ways that Google depends on to detect whether the clicks on your site are invalid or valid.

IP Address
It is the easiest way to detect if those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

Click Through Rate (CTR)
Normally, Click thru Rate should not excess 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% – 10%.
Physical Location
Google has good tracing software and technology. They can trace traffics origin down to the small town.

Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.
Click Pattern
It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately. But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want, why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites? And why is it that people accessing these sites direct key-in URL or from bookmark tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

Hardware address
Your modem, your LAN card, routers has a serial number which act like a fingerprint? These can be used as tracing evidence by Google.

Late night Bathe

There’s a lot of myths and question about,bath at night will harm our body and some says it can lower blood pressure.

Taking a bath is never harmful to the body. Hot water may lower your pressure a mm or two but nothing significant. Relaxation effect should be beneficial prior to retiring from whole day work or activities. Baths are actually relaxing and this is known to lower blood pressure, and thats actually a good thing and your blood pressure wont be affected in any noticeable way so it would harm you.

Making the Most of Your Shape

Have you been wondering why some people have that hourglass figure, while others are more pear-like in appearance? Well, this is because every man and woman is born with a specific body type and body shape. Depending upon your genetics, as well as your exercise routine and diet, your body shape may be quite different from those around you. Not everyone likes the body type or shape that they are born with, but there are ways to make the most of what you have. Here are some tips on how to sculpt it with the best possible exercises.

If your body shape likely round, you will want to focus on aerobic training in order to slim down and lose body fat. Look to perform exercises that are low-resistance and involve low repetitions, such as: stairclimbing, walking on an incline, running and leg squats, leg presses, and deadlifts.

If your body like cans, you will be able to perform pretty much any activity you want to. Perform cardio activities to help you lose weight in problem areas, such as the buttocks and stomach. Focus on: stretching, sit-ups, step classes, spinning, walking or jogging on an incline, squats and bench presses and shoulder presses.

Ethical Issues for Information Technology(IT) Users!!!

Ethical Issues for Information Technology(IT) Users!!!

This article discussing most common ethical issues dealing with the use of Information Technology (I.T.). The software piracy, Unethical use of Computing Resources and Unethical sharing of information .

What is software piracy, it is the act of illegally making copies of software or enabling others to access software to which they are not entitled. Software piracy in a business setting can be directly traceable to I.T professionals, they might allow it to happen or they actively engage with it. Sometimes the one who commit software piracy are the I.T users. A common violation done when the user copy software for backup. However, this is still a piracy if no one had paid for another license to use as a backup or on the others means.

What is Unethical use of Computing Resources and how this was occurs. This was done when some employees use’s their computers to surf on web sites that have nothing to do with their jobs, participate in the chat rooms during working hour, view pornographic site and playing computer game during office hours. These activities can reduce production of the work force or consume away at worker productivity and waste of time. Furthermore, viewing of sexually explicit materials and other related topics can encourage those people who is behind these production. And how the companies handled this kind of activities? Most companies handled the problem by firing the offenders or taking disciplinary actions.

What is Unethical Sharing of Information? How this was occurs and who is behind them? Vast amount of data or information can be classified either private, confidential or public by an organization who owe it. Private data is classified or describe individuals information for example, health records, salary information, bank account data and a lot more. Confidential information classified as, building blueprint, company or organization operation, strategic and tactical plan, etc. Public information include are they information that is posted and free to view public example ads. The unethical sharing of information occur when an I.T. user shares the information without authorizations. These is commonly violated privacy of an organization, company or an institutions.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Invalid Clicking Attack, sites owner need to know SEO lesson!!!

What is invalid clicking and who’s behind this kind of click. Invalid clicking is a crime or violation of agreement between site’s owner and advertiser. It is a simultaneous clicking on one particular links at the same time and the same unit. This is commonly done in sites that have an ads obvious isn’t it why they have done this, particularly on those pay per click ads.

Who do you know cause or responsible of invalid clicking? We judge in a moment that the site’s owner is responsible with it. What if not? Yes, there is a time that the one who responsible with it are third party or sometimes site’s owner competitors. In this scenario, there is a big WHY, it is possible that competitor’s do a move to become the most and they even done unethical just to pursue there goal to be in the highest rank not only that there is also a probability that other person do it just for fun. Why because they know the agreement between the advertiser’s and the site’s owner. From the agreement say’s that the site’s owner agreed not to click on the ads. And if these person do it, invalid clicking the advertiser’s thinks that the site’s owner is responsible with that, why, because of the pay per click agreements that penny per click.

How can sites owner avoid or protect there site from invalid click attack? In this case invalid clicking attack, no one else can avoid these attack even the very strong password’s that contains hundreds of special characters. Because the attacker don’t need to hack or crack a password, they have just sit in front of there computer and keep on clicking simultaneously on one particular ads of there victim site’s till victim site get banned from the SEO market, just as easy as that.

For these kind of attack everyone will become there next victim, guard your website.